Using RSS Feeds has to be an easy way to chanel desired information to your account. In an ideal world we would like to be able to have time to manually request, sort, read and review press releases, book reviews, and news items. In busy modern times utilising RSS feeds to access and gather little interesting snippets of information has to be the way to move with the times. How do we find out the latest book releases, movie news, or a CD fresh off the press? An RSS feed of course. Using RSS feeds is the optimum method to keep yourself updated and informed - particularly for your job!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Social Networking for Libraries a new link to the Populace.
Its an everchanging world where people communicate with a brief twitter and the news is out there to thousands at the touch of a few keys on an I-phone! Libraries need to keep abreast with the latest communication techniques - after all, MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter etc are the latest information technology tools to the masses. Whether it be Marketing or Social Networking for clients, libraries need to keep pace with the latest method of communication!
Its an everchanging world where people communicate with a brief twitter and the news is out there to thousands at the touch of a few keys on an I-phone! Libraries need to keep abreast with the latest communication techniques - after all, MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter etc are the latest information technology tools to the masses. Whether it be Marketing or Social Networking for clients, libraries need to keep pace with the latest method of communication!
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